Top Books on Reincarnation

Top Books on Reincarnation in sri lanka

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Have you ever wondered what lies beyond this life? Do you find yourself pondering the mysteries of reincarnation and past lives? If so, then these top books on reincarnation are for you! From best-selling authors to classic stories, these books will take you on a journey into the depths of your imagination and help you explore the possibilities of past lives.

Reincarnation has been around since ancient times, but it’s been gaining more attention in recent years. With the rise of spirituality and alternative medicine, people are becoming more open to the idea that they may have lived before. This newfound interest has made reincarnation an increasingly popular topic of conversation – and reading material!

Whether you’re looking for answers or just want to explore the concept further, these top books on reincarnation will take you on a captivating journey through time. Read on to discover which books made our list and what they have to offer!

A Second Chance

A Second Chance, is a great resource for anyone interested in reincarnation. It offers insight into the various aspects of this phenomenon, while exploring the spiritual and philosophical implications of its many facets. Prabhupada draws on his extensive knowledge and experience to provide readers with a comprehensive understanding of how one’s actions can shape their destiny across multiple lifetimes.

The book also delves into topics such as karmic debt, karma yoga, rebirth and liberation from the cycle of death and rebirth. It examines each subject in depth, providing a detailed look at how our lives are affected by the decisions we make in this lifetime and how those choices may have consequences in future lives. Prabhupada’s writing style is accessible yet insightful, making it easy for readers to follow his argument and draw their own conclusions from his observations.

In addition to its thorough exploration of reincarnation and related concepts, A Second Chance offers practical advice on living an ethical life that will lead to greater peace and contentment. Prabhupada encourages readers to create positive connections between themselves and others, as well as within themselves through self-reflection. Ultimately, he outlines a path towards developing an enlightened sense of purpose that transcends any single lifetime or physical incarnation.

Beyond Birth And Death

Beyond Birth and Death, written by A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, is a spiritual classic that explores the concept of reincarnation. It examines the soul’s journey through the cycle of birth and death, offering an in-depth look into the idea of karma. In this book, it explains how one’s actions in this life determine their fate in the next, and how to break free from the cycle of suffering and return to a state of divine bliss.

The book also delves into topics such as meditation, devotional service to God, purification of consciousness, and understanding one’s true identity as an eternal spirit soul. Through these topics, readers can gain a deeper understanding of their true nature and relationship with God. Additionally, Prabhupada provides practical advice on how to live one’s life in accordance with spiritual principles in order to attain ultimate liberation from repeated birth and death.

In Beyond Birth and Death, Prabhupada reveals a path towards enlightenment that anyone can follow. He shows us how our past lives affect our present existence and how we can use our current life to create positive karma that will lead us closer to spiritual perfection. By following Prabhupada’s teachings, we can break free from suffering and find lasting peace within ourselves.

Coming Back: The Science Of Reincarnation

Coming back: the science of reincarnation is an exploration of the phenomenon and its implications. It examines the idea that our souls can migrate from one body to another after death and how this process works. Across cultures, reincarnation has long been a central tenet of belief. However, in recent years, researchers have sought to understand it from a scientific perspective.

This book delves into the research that has been conducted on reincarnation, including results from both empirical studies and personal accounts. It looks at how memories of past lives can influence people in their current life and explores what happens when memories appear spontaneously or through hypnosis or meditation. Furthermore, it considers the impact of past-life memories on social behavior, mental health, and spirituality.

The author provides an extensive discussion on the theories behind reincarnation and its possible mechanisms. He also incorporates elements of quantum physics to help explain why some individuals may be more likely to experience these phenomena than others. Additionally, he addresses questions related to ethics and morality in regard to this topic as well as practical steps readers can take if they feel they have experienced a past life themselves.


In conclusion, it is clear that there are a number of excellent books on the subject of reincarnation. Each one offers its own unique insights and perspectives on the concept. Prabhupada’s A Second Chance is an insightful look at how the cycle of life works, while Beyond Birth and Death takes a more philosophical approach to the same subject. Lastly, Coming Back: The Science of Reincarnation provides readers with an in-depth look at what scientific research has revealed about reincarnation.

Overall, these books provide an excellent introduction to this fascinating topic. Whether you’re curious about spiritual rebirth or just want to learn more about the concept, these titles are sure to give you plenty of food for thought. They offer unique insights into this complex topic and can spark conversations and debates among readers who are interested in this area.

Ultimately, reincarnation is a topic that can be explored from many different angles. Whatever your interest may be, there is sure to be a book out there that will speak to you. So if you’ve ever been curious about reincarnation, why not pick up one of these titles and see what it has to offer?

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